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Integrated Social Forestry Farmers Association Incorporated
The Benejewan Integrated Social Forestry Farmers Association (BISFFA), established on June 10, 1997, is a registered organization under BRW/DOLE with registration number BDO-323.
About Benejewan ISF Farmers Association (BISFFA)
The Benejewan ISF Farmers Association (BISFFA) was organized in 1994 and conceptualized by Letter of Instruction 1260 otherwise known as the Integrated Social Forestry Program (ISFP) implemented by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Paving the way for the informal settlers to give them a chance to manage their land being tilled within the forest area. The qualified forest occupants received the Certificate of Stewardship Contract (CSC) with a maximum area of seven (7) hectares with a term of 25 years renewable for another 25 years depending on the performance of CSC every holder with the criteria set forth by the DENR. This is composed of 156 CSC Holders. Thus, the creation of every association in every sitios/brgy’s. The covered CSC area was materialized and later devolved to the Provincial Government through the creation of the local Environment Office the PEMO by the then Governor Rafael L. Coscolluela.
The Benejewan Integrated Social Forestry Farmers Association (BISFFA) is a registered organization to BRW/ DOLE under registration number BDO-323, June 10, 1997. BISFFAI was accredited to the Municipality of Salvador Benedicto under SB resolution 10-09. It also got its accreditation under SP Resolution 0528 with the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental.
The association is implementing 4 major activities: Forest Protection, Conservation and Rehabilitation, Provision of sustainable Livelihood, Law Enforcement, and Information and Education Advocacy.
Under the Forest Protection, Conservation, and Rehabilitation Component, the BISFFAI maintained the 285 hectares of Agroforestry, Assisted Natural Regeneration, Rainforestation, and Rattan Projects from various agencies like the Local Government Unit- Municipality of Don Salvador, Provincial Environment Management Office, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Somer Family and Globe Telecom. It is also doing regular strip brushing and maintenance of the 30 hectares Assisted Natural Regeneration Project [ANR] funded by the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental through the Environment Management Office [PEMO].
While under the sustainable livelihood program, the organization is maintaining its organic coffee growing with cash crops for livelihood project and reforestation Swap to Goat Dispersal Project from the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental. Likewise, the organization was able to tap the Swedish Cooperative Center and availed the following livelihood projects: marketing fund assistance in the amount of P100,000.00, Organic center amounting to P70,000.00, Vermi Composting, and nursery establishment project. To date, the sari-sari store managed by 5 staff of BISFFA is doing well and gaining profit.
For its Law Enforcement component, BISFFA is very active in the campaign for the protection of the remaining forests, thus, facilitating the strengthening of Bantay Bukid Brigade, regular participation of officers and members in the conduct of foot patrol operations within the reforestation projects and Northern Negros Natural Park areas. Its implementation in close coordination with the DENR and LGU Salvador Benedicto, submitting reports and information on illegal activities monitored.
The organization is also active in its local governance participation, especially in the Information Education Campaign Program. We authored resolution no. O08 series of 2009- Adopting the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) within the organization. We also passed resolution 028 supporting Republic Act 9147-prohibiting hunting of endangered species of birds within NNNP areas and one of the authors of the Center for Environmental Initiatives (CEI) resolution no.02 requesting the Sanguniang Panlalawuagan of Negros Occidental to pass ordinance prohibiting the hunting of birds and other forms of wildlife in the province of Negros Occidental pursuant to R.A. 9147 otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001. Resolution no. 028 series of 2008. We also conducted advocacy efforts like conducting pulong pulong within the puroks and nearby barangays in their locality of forest protection and conservation.
The organization is also the partner P.O. of the Federation of Multi-sectoral Alliance for Development Negros (MUAD-Negros) in the implementation of projects like promoting sustainable Agriculture in the upland community in Negros Occidental. The NGO is also assisting the organization by providing training on how to strengthen the capacity of staff and management, Financial and Administrative Capacity of the organization most especially on Simple Bookkeeping and Financial Management.
In general, the organization plays an important role in the upliftment of the socioeconomic status of its member beneficiaries and other nearby residents. The provision of Sustainable Alternative Livelihood like the Integrated Organic farming System “Vermi Composting” augments the meager income of all member beneficiaries. We earn from our vermicomposting business; hence we can afford to send our children to college, Also because of the organic practices we are implementing, we eat healthy and nutritious food which is very good for our health. For our marketing fund, we don’t need to travel to Bacolod or San Carlos City to buy what we need because our sari-sari store provides what we need especially farm inputs like fertilizers and seeds at affordable prices. We save time, money, and effort and give more time to our farming activities.
One of the greatest achievements of the organization in the environment and natural Resources Management was we won the Natural Resources Management ResourceManagement Champion for the Integrated Social Forestry /people’s Organizationcategory during the implementation of the EU-funded project “Effective Natural Resource Governance through Inter LGU Alliances in the province of Negros Occidental Last June 2012.
The organization was also awarded by the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental for its active participation and implementation of projects and activities on the protection, conservation, and development of environment and ecology. Our outstanding partnership with the Sectoral Alliance for the Development-Negros (MUAD-Negros) in the implementation of the poverty alleviation program was highly recognized. Our collaboration and coordination with other non-government organizations like the Foundation for Philippine Environment Swedish Cooperative Center Somer Family Foundation and Government Organizations and private sectors help the organization in the provision of sustainable livelihood and strengthen our management capacity in handling programs, projects which other organizations can not do. Most of all the upliftment of the socio-economic status of all member-beneficiaries is the greatest achievement of the organization so far.
Board of Directors
Five (5) Board of Directors is selected among the members during the annual general assembly meeting. As a body, it serves as the policy maker providing both the direction and cohesion on varied programs to be undertaken.
The President is the chief executive officer. As such, he/she is responsible for ensuring that organization is proceeding in accordance with the direction and policies set by the Board. Also responsible for the day to day operations of the office, seeing to it that management and administrative policies are complied with by the working committees/staff. Acts as the official representative among various partner agencies and other alliances.
Coordinate with other concerned agencies and various programs to be implemented by BISFFAI.
Management Staff
The management personnel consist of coordinators, bookkeepers and cashier. Staffing requirement may decrease or expand depending on the availability and extent of funded projects.
Ang BOD formulates policies, rules, and regulations.
Accounting System
The financial operation is guided by an accounting system designed to capture the unique financial management features of BISFFA as a development-oriented organization.
Reports and Information System
The reporting system integrated the reporting and documentation requirements at different levels. At the first level are the requirements of both the members and officers. It includes the annual audited financial reports and the annual management report. Second, are the periodic/terminal reports required by the funding/partner agencies on the progress of their supported projects. Third, is the process documentation of different activities being undertaken.
Monthly planners, post activity reports, quarterly reports, assessments, process documentation are prepared regularly or on a per activity basis and are submitted to person/s requiring the information for their action or decision.
Program Operations

The association adopts the following policies in the implementation of its various programs:
1.The principle of sustainability not only in term of project viability/continuity but also in the sustainable use of natural resources.
2.The integration of gender equality and environmental protection, preservation and or conservation as component projects.
3.The effective transfer of appropriate technology to intended beneficiaries.
4.The regular monitoring and periodic evaluation of funded projects
5. Annual assessment of funded projects.
6. Program that benefits the majority of the membership.
7.Project should not promote child labor.
Members Duties and Responsibilities
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Agroforestry-Bago River Watershed Rehabilitation Project
The project funded by the National Government thru DENR-BUB. The project is located in Sitio tuy-anan and benejewan. To date, 24.0 hectares had been established along Benejewan and Tuy-anan rivers.